Rigging for High Voltage Line Work


Maintenance work on transmission lines is frequently done while the lines remain energized.  Working on energized lines saves money and allows for uninterrupted customer service.  Live-line work is possible, in part, because of special rigging tools and equipment that have developed to allow lineworkers to do the work safely and efficiently.


  • This training program focuses on some of the equipment and procedures used to rig for high voltage jobs.  Emphasis is placed on the primary goals of rigging around high voltage equipment, and the uses of rigging techniques and equipment in practical rigging situations.


High Voltage Rigging Basics

  • Define “safe working distance” as it applies to working around high voltage components.

  • Define “load control” as it applies to rigging for high voltage work.

  • Describe the three basic stages of a high voltage maintenance or repair job.

  • Describe some of the basic rigging tools used for rigging around high voltage equipment.

Vertical Insulator Changeout:  Tailgate Session

  • Describe equipment placement and rigging that can be used to safely change out a vertical string of insulators on a wooden spar structure.

  • Describe the tasks involved and the sequences of operations necessary to rig for a vertical insulator changeout.

Vertical Insulator Changeout

  • Demonstrate the rigging techniques involved in safely changing out a vertical string of insulators on a wooden spar structure.   

  • Inside “V” Insulator Changeout

  • Describe the equipment placement and rigging necessary to safely change out a string of insulators in an inside “V” on a concrete “H” structure.

  • Describe the tasks involved and the sequence of operations necessary to accomplish the changeout.    

Running Corner Insulator Changeout

  • Describe the equipment placement and rigging necessary to safely changeout a string of insulators on a running corner.

  • Describe the tasks involved and the sequence of operations to accomplish the changeout.     

Spar Arm Replacement

  • Describe the equipment placement and rigging necessary to safely replace a spar arm on a wooden spar structure.

  • Describe the tasks involved and the sequence of operations to accomplish the spar arm replacement.


Transmission Line Installation


Working on Deenergized Transmission Lines