Underground Cable Installation


This program describes two methods of installing underground cable: direct-burying and pulling cable in conduit. The program demonstrates how to lay cable in an open trench and pull cable in conduit. This course also demonstrates how to use various types of equipment and tools for rigging manholes and for pulling cable in conduit.


  • Identify tools and methods for installing direct-buried URD cable.

  • Describe the equipment, tools, and rigging devices that can be used for pulling cable through conduit.

  • Describe the steps involved in pulling cable between two manholes.

  • Describe two methods for pulling cable into buildings.


Direct-Buried Cable

  • Describe three tools used for direct-burying URD cable.

  • Identify and describe three pieces of machinery that are used to install URD cable.

URD Cable in Conduit

  • Describe the steps involved in pulling URD cable in conduit.

  • Identify some of the tools used for pulling URD cable in conduit.

Underground Cable Systems

  • Describe the steps involved in installing cable in conduit between two manholes.

  • Identify the rigging devices and equipment used to install cable in conduit between two manholes.

Pulling Cable Between Manholes

  • Describe the steps involved in installing underground cable between two manholes.

Pulling Cable into Buildings

  • Describe two methods for installing cable in conduit between a manhole and a building.


Safety in Underground Line Maintenance


Pad-Mounted Transformers and Switchgear